A Challenging Cavoodle? Photographing Mr Bojangles.

A Challenging Cavoodle? Photographing Mr Bojangles.

After 18 years in pet photography, I figured I had met every challenge there is. Famous last words hahaha! I didn’t really expect a gorgeous little cavoodle to change that. Mr Bojangles came all the way from the Northern Territory to be photographed by us. His...
Working With Shy Cats! Meet The Fonz

Working With Shy Cats! Meet The Fonz

“The Fonz is extremely shy – I don’t know if you are going to be able to get anything.” said his mum. As you can imagine, this is a phrase we hear often when working with shy cats. On average, a cats fight or flight response is much more active...
Oodles of Cavoodles! Lulu, Missy & Koda

Oodles of Cavoodles! Lulu, Missy & Koda

As you may know, I am a bit partial to the Oodle variety – having two myself. Call out to Lottie and Pepper – best dogs ever (present company excepted)! So I was rather excited about meeting Cavoodles Lulu, Missy and Koda. In typical Oodle fashion, they...
Rescue dog Poppy is living her best life!

Rescue dog Poppy is living her best life!

Poppy is the much loved rescue furchild of Ruth, a local dog trainer here in Perth. Ruth had been incredibly excited for her photo session ever since seeing the results of her friends’ dog Charli, a beautiful keplie we had the pleasure of photographing last...