Digby the Tabby

Digby the Tabby

Firstly, what is your favourite thing about Digby? I love that Digby lets me pick her up and hold her in my arms. She’s such an easy cat to look after, she’s my little companion! In the evening she sits on my lap and we have some time together. She’s good fun and...
Secret Beach Magic with Roxy & Luna

Secret Beach Magic with Roxy & Luna

On a secret tucked away beach, early one morning, I met Roxy and Luna. While they look so different, and have very different personalities and motivations, they get on famously. Roxy, is a 13year old cocker spaniel who doesn’t seem to know or care how old she...
Meet Andy the Maltese Shih Tzu

Meet Andy the Maltese Shih Tzu

I arrived at the beautiful Canning River to find a loving little family and Andy, a bigger than life Maltese Shih Tzu, in charge of everyone. He used his cuteness to demand all his hoomans attention, plus that of any unsuspecting bystander or pet photographer with a...
Photographing cheeky puppies! Meet Ajax!

Photographing cheeky puppies! Meet Ajax!

As you can imagine, photographing cheeky puppies is a photographer’s wet dream, and Ajax was no exception! As a ridiculously cute 7-month-old, he was curious about everything, but not great with his recall! As such, we needed to keep him on the lead for a lot of...
A Challenging Cavoodle? Photographing Mr Bojangles.

A Challenging Cavoodle? Photographing Mr Bojangles.

After 18 years in pet photography, I figured I had met every challenge there is. Famous last words hahaha! I didn’t really expect a gorgeous little cavoodle to change that. Mr Bojangles came all the way from the Northern Territory to be photographed by us. His...
Working With Shy Cats! Meet The Fonz

Working With Shy Cats! Meet The Fonz

“The Fonz is extremely shy – I don’t know if you are going to be able to get anything.” said his mum. As you can imagine, this is a phrase we hear often when working with shy cats. On average, a cats fight or flight response is much more active...